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The Sinner
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Группы : Дискографии


Infernäl Mäjesty: "One Who Points To Death" – 2004

энциклопедия: Infernäl Mäjesty

Состав группы:

  • Steve Terror – гитара
  • Kenny Hallman – гитара
  • Kris De Boer – ударные
  • Eric Dubreuil – бас
  • Christifer – вокал

Infernäl Mäjesty: "One Who Points To Death" – 2004


  1. Death Or Heaven
  2. Pestilential Eternity
  3. Angels And Acid
  4. Honey Tongue Of Satan
  5. Hysterion Protheron
  6. Cathedral Of Hate
  7. Virgin Blood Taste Purest At Night
  8. One Who Points To Death


1. Death Or Heaven

Arrival of man conscince reality
Reality of life conscience of death
In the fangs of the panther the coming departure
Accepting death without fear
Gracefully rout the herding of the wear
Highly evolved writingds of our lord
No ability to reason castigation of scripture
Accepting death without fear

All the sick and injured
Fearing for your lives
Every once of strength
Death awaits
Every breath you take
Praying for diving
Intervention fleeting
Death awaits

Occupy tradition to dispel the truth
Savages demons preachers and ghosts
The fangs of the panthers inflicting their truth
All that is living will now die
Suicide repugnant by nature
Dissatisfaction with gods blue earth
All that is written begins with the sun
All that is living will now die

All the sick and injured
Fearing for your lives
Every once of strength
Death awaits
Every breath you take
Praying for diving
Intervention fleeting
Death awaits

Death of heaven and all it's sin
Burning the cross satan lives

Seething bleeding creating welking within
Not once but many with the power to lead astray
Forced in to the abyss
A perfect world for the godless
Forcing and corrupting ideals to make
Man a king of this world of pain

Death of heaven and all it's sin
Burning the cross satan lives

2. Pestilential Eternity

Horrified I'm told I should not think of death
With the sickness approaching destroying everything I should not think of death
From the avenging hand of god a sense of panic pervades
A terrible invader creeping overland I should not think of death
But should I question the existence of god
Should I await my eventual demise

The weak it sadly appears start praying to god for their own survival
Trying to atone for the evils of the world fearing god for their own survival
All that I have loved in life have died all the joy and pleasures now denied

As I gaze into the cold eyes of death I view my life quickly pass before my eyes
It's fatal grip around my soul icy chill slowly paralyze
Why should I die at the hand of god
Tell me why should I die at the hand of god
Is this the end of the world is this gods punishment for my sins

The silence of darkness no mortal can escape
As pain and injustice destroy the human race
Vengeance of the monster this harrowing disease
Bleeding drains your heart no one hears your primal screams
As the millions will die questioning the hand of god
Searching for the answers from angry mob
Echoes of the dying crying long into the night
Calling out his name screaming
Jesus am I your sacrificial lamb
Jesus should I walk through the valley of the damned

As I gaze into the cold eyes of death I view my life quickly pass before my eyes
It's fatal grip around my soul icy chill slowly paralyze
Why should I die at the hand of god
Tell me why should I die at the hand of god
Is this the end of the world is this gods punishment for my sins

Is this the end of the world
Is this the end of the world
Is this the end of the world
Is this the end of the world
Is this the end of the world
Is this the end of the world

3. Angels And Acid

Splintering bone in the warmth of the sun firethorn and rose snag the flesh that i've hung
Tools of the trade fermenting and acid course threw black veins she was so attractive
After the frost I pick till I'm full a blanket of death warms my soul
Inflections of angels ring in my ear and the goat's crooked smile leads on me

Dead die dead die dead die dead die

Dead bodies eve's wide open dead bodies bloody and bloated
Dead bodies in my dreams dead bodies are all I see
God forgive me for my sins satanic academia the demon within
Axe in hand by my grim account choking on blood creeping about
Fracture the realm of my cloven hove god burnt wings of fairy's barking in song
Hacking them down stripping ribbons of flesh edge of my blade stuck into bone
Hungry for love
Fracture the realm of my cloven hove god burnt wings of fairy's barking in song
Hacking them down stripping ribbons of flesh edge of my blade stuck into bone
Hungry for your love

Gormandized beneath the pines, gorge upon intoxicate venebrate your pale skin
Strange and hidden
Under the veil a shadow appears in the morning haze liquefy your pale skin
Hungry for the syringe

You are but one of many my dear for your blood to
Bubble and boil into the sick with rust and mold
My powers shall unfold wrapped in narcotic induced delusions
Of grandeur snacking milking the essence of life which is
Time and yours is over

Spattering blood dripping down your face
Like tears in rain as I slay

4. Honey Tongue Of Satan

Righteous pleasures drull from the sexed spent lips of the beast
Feel his tongue pinching at your face
Feel the acide sting as I melt into your flesh
Whilst boring out your cunt with pumping grace week and bleeding
Insetuos unearthing the might masked orgy of darkness files
Satan's semen locking their jaws into thy flesh and soul of man
Clamed filled hands talon the flesh of your quivering breast
Pillowed around his serpent prick

Behold thyn is the one who speaks true bliss
Like wine the glory flows into the throne to fill the mote with all your mortal
Percged upon his back now the greedy hordes waiting to fuck the scraps
Tearing pieces of your carcassede mind

Awaiting the birth in the church of the blessed dead
I continue to see your face come to me my child
O gaze into an ocean blue your eyes that spark the fear of god in man your demise

Now all there in are time and death of man and beast
Placental mammals giving birth to ilk and sin
Dark and damp and filled with rats

Spewing his seed into the world

Frenzied passion an erupting dark epoch extinguishing the light of heavens bliss
This could not give birth to your messiah who walks to earth
But the minions of the dead condemned to hell
Celebrating the arrival thy unholy king of evil rippling tidings quake across the land
Angels die like moths falling from the sky choking on the smoke, of the week I'm burning
Drowning in your blood, lamenting to some god, blackened sky's wrought the face of satan
Festering in the womb punging the unborn sipping piss from vineyards of the dieing

Behold thyn is the one who speaks true bliss
Like wine the glory flows into the throne to fill the mote with all your mortal
Percged upon his back now the greedy hordes waiting to fuck the scraps
Tearing pieces of your carcassede mind

5. Hysterion Protheron

Purify the land of these catholic heathing whores sanctify their flehs into the holy ground
Witch you will now a bleed upon your womb in which i spit into these flames of crackling fat for now
You burn dog's of satan's legions howling our satanic spells departed spirits whaling at their call
Deacons fasting praying oh the end is very near their bodies blowing in the wind of gallows hill

I will return to feed upon your soul their reculent lives blessed death I will enthrall
Once thy moon is full your darling moppets will be mine spiders spinning webs
While i watch you sleep at night shadows in the forest the wing beats of a bat
My unearthly presents haunts you as the wind blows on your neck
Eternally condemned undefiled in their mission i hope you all burn in hell

Kicking shriecking convulsing on the floor the devil slowly sucking at your tet
The innocent blood of god's chosen to be saved the gathered masses starring anxiously
Disembodied voices echo bliss into my mind hard the Harold angels sing in glee
I am of no witch no sundry acts to hell unlock the door to the hill once more
For the cleansing of her soul to begin

I will return to feed upon your soul their reculent lives blessed death I will enthrall
Once thy moon is full your darling moppets will be mine spiders spinning webs
While i watch you sleep at night shadows in the forest the wing beats of a bat
My unearthly presents haunts you as the wind blows on your neck
Eternally condemned undefiled in their mission i hope you all burn in hell

Step by step tighten the noose around her neck snap the life out of her
You will not see the light of day golden waste runs from her feet feel the religious relief
Hanging in the tree swinging in the breeze

Come with me don't be scared I'll take you to a place we have prepared
Hysteric fools thy tongue of man condemning flesh to rot by angelic fiction

Rise decry and the decumbent rise the powers of satan embroil
Emetic submission of scruples of thought sands of time
Gluetenize on the goddess of themes sands of time in the fields of wheat the departed are sown
God's acre where the bread be crown succulent fool's she sicken us all
Digest the remains like timber you fall
Emeses the devil and fill the streets of gold you thought you defeated the beast
To rise from the ashes to kill again again again
Hysteron proteron
I will return to feed upon your soul their reculent lives blessed death I will enthrall
Once thy moon is full your darling moppets will be mine spiders spinning webs
Thou shall be dead before the morning light

6. Cathedral Of Hate

Enter bishop pomp dominion
No shining spirit crucifixion wound
Sadomastic sacramental enter clergy stench of doom

Stained glass windows scorn the apostles
Crumbling fodder for the thieves

Abrogate the laws of salvation
No god to forgive the sins of man
No angels light a path to heaven
No christ to die or make amends

Human wreckage clings to faith thirsting for the law
Even as it suffocates annihilate hierarchy
Promise for a better world damnation of all dignity
In this hell vulcanize lies in the fire

We welcome you to the cathedral of hate
We welcome you to the cathedral of hate
We welcome you to the cathedral of hate

Wallowing in your demise, ermiculation of cross
Destroy the gods that you despise, feast and fantasy
Crying out to save your soul, hallowed by thy me
No god to make you whole abhorrent thy diocese

We welcome you to the cathedral of hate
We welcome you to the cathedral of hate
We welcome you to the cathedral of hate

Open the door and enter the world
Exulting Lucifer begin again
Extricate doctrines of religion
Evoke the goddess of sin

Baptized in fire

We welcome you to the cathedral of hate
We welcome you to the cathedral of hate
We welcome you to the cathedral of hate

Consecrate the cathedral sharpen your swords for slaughter
Wretched self-evident rampant nocent decay

7. Virgin Blood Taste Purest At Night

Sacred ground of the vampire traced where the Tigres and the Euphrates expire
Revelations form the middle eastern prophecies time conclealed in stone for none to see
Incantations appearing on the scrolls back wings of death slowly starting to unfold
Arrival ends the journey from the darkest depths of hell
Swarming demons have you in their spell

Rise from your graves silent creatures of the night

Rise darkest creatures of the night awaken thy undead exhume your soul prepare for flight
Remove your iron chains now drag your rotting corpse from hell
Extend those massive wings prepare to kill
Now to take fresh souls for satan leaving them begging for mercy

Suddenly according to the legend monsters rise at night full of grace and precision
Rescued from their coffins they evade at godspeed satan's angels start to interbreed
Hungry searching for their pray thirsting for your body as you slowly slip away
Draining all your blood leaves you pasty white cold confused and distraught
You shall never grow old

Rise from your graves silent creatures of the night

Rise darkest creatures of the night awaken thy undead exhume your soul prepare for flight
Remove your iron chains now drag your rotting corpse from hell
Extend those massive wings prepare to kill
Now to take fresh souls for satan leaving them begging for mercy

With the ease of a bat as the swoop from the skies cornering their prey
See the fear in your eyes
Razor shapr claws tears the flesh from your back examining your soul chomping at your neck
Tearing life from limb your mind begins to crack warriors of satan tearing out your heart

Change has now begun shattering humanity good becoming evil the masters of insanity
An animated lust for the human's life's blood the removal of your heart
The clouding of your mind the screaming from your soul
You've lost all track of time a bloodsucking ghost in league with the devil

8. One Who Points To Death

Dracul the order of the dragon a secret council authored by the king
Implications of the devil fighting forces of the darkness drain your life from your bloody remains
Called oppressive religious a fanatical extremist exterminating cynics in the same
Of the church and the holy ghost forcing good against evil in a vicious crushed

Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain fear the Impaler prince
Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain make your last wish
Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain fear the Impaler prince
Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain take your last breath

Fear starves your mind struggle now to survive visualize impending horrow
Dread the vile torture
Pleading to your god numb your crazed psychotic mind ghastly screaming throughout night
Impaled body reaching hell

Deep in your mind lies your worst nightmares controlling the shape of your darkest fears
Staring at the exit to your life feel the grasp of my hands sense the draining of your soul
Stalking your subconscious they rebel they revolt us beckoning
Beckoning join us

Violent son of the devil leaving thousands slowly rotting in their graves
King of inhumanity enforcing my morality, the salughtered legions screaming the insane
Madness, of the gruesome executions mass impaled slowly rotting of the stare
Innocents screaming children bleeding women pleading for their lives

Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain fear the Impaler prince
Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain make your last wish
Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain fear the Impaler prince
Pain I'm Vlad the Impaler
Pain take your last breath

Bloodthirsty tyrant torturing for pleasure methidical use of terror
Fuel deranged psychotic mind
Sinister monster in the service of satan
Destroying the almighty god forever

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